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FAHR launches a study on alternative work options for the Federal Government

Tuesday March 26, 2019


The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAHR) has announced that a special study is being prepared on alternative options of work in the Federal Government as part of the Authority’s ongoing efforts to develop and modernize human resources systems, policies and legislation and increase employee job satisfaction, workplace harmony and productivity. The move also aims to support the efforts intended to empowerment working women and achieve a better work-life balance among the Federal Government workforce.


In this regard, HE Aisha Al Suwaidi, Executive Director of Human Resources Policies Sector at the Authority for Government Human Resources, said: "The Authority has studied the best international practices in alternative work options that best serves the government work system and builds on the the many initiatives and endeavors aimed at empowering he Federal Government  employees, as well as create a flexible work environment conducive to    attracting top talents.


“Study questionnaire focused on two main areas: professional and social, and dealt with several topics that take into consideration all aspects of employees professional and family life. These included existing and alternative work systems and options, institutional culture, occupational health and safety, leaves, etc. Some questions related to disabled, people with special social conditions,  empowering working women, employee’s employment, family and health condition, as well as his education level and social status.


HE Aisha Al Suwaidi, Executive Director of Human Resources Policy Sector  called on all Federal Government employees to participate in the questionnaire, which had been circulated via the HR Management Information System in the Federal Government (BAYANATI), to achieve more accurate and comprehensive results that help making recommendations for  updating legislations, which ensure creation of attractive work environments to achieve employee happiness, satisfaction, and productivity.

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