FAHR: 2023 was a Qualitative Leap in HR System
We, in the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAHR), havebeen exerting restless efforts for years to provide the best under the guidanceof the wise leadership and the dedication of our harmonious staff members, whowork diligently within a clear vision and plan, which target in the first placeto support UAE directions, ensure its global leadership and competitiveness inthe human resources field and enhance government efficiency.
2023 haswitnessed many remarkable achievements and constituted a qualitative shift inthe HR system in the federal government, in terms of digital transformation, asit has optimized AI technologies and the Fourth Industrial Revolution outcomes.It worth mentioning that FAHR has managed to employ the new technologies toserve its goals, as it has automated the HR procedures and launched an AI-basedpackage of HR systems.
During the previous phase, we were keen to simplify procedures andservices and make them accessible to the federal government employees and FAHRcustomers under one umbrella. In addition, we gave special focus on addressingemployees of ministries and federal entities under the slogan “Human Resourcesis the Language of Everyone”. In other words, every employee is enabled toautomatically complete their own HR operations through smart systems andapplications, which has contributed to saving time and effort and providing HR departmentswith the opportunity to focus on more strategic issues and assuming a moreeffective role in organizations.
Among the previous year achievements, a package of exceptionalinitiatives, policies and legislations was launched to empower the federalgovernment employees with future skills, develop talents and competencies,enhance employees’ readiness for the future with all its potential challengesand opportunities.
FHAR has managed to achieve a qualitative shift and real change in theculture of work, performance, motivation and productivity at the federalgovernment level, in cooperation with its strategic partners at the local andglobal levels, in both the government and private sectors.
Laila Obaid AlSuwaidi
Director Generalof the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources
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