The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources: The guideline for part-time work model is a new pioneering and proactive approach
As the Federal Authority forGovernment Human Resources (FAHR) is constantly striving to bring the federalhuman resources system to advanced levels worldwide, it has launched creativepioneering initiatives and projects that enhance this approach with theenabling human resources policies, legislations and the electronic supportingsolutions and systems.
The latest of these distinguishedprojects launched by FAHR was a guideline that outlines the regulations governingthe part-time work model in the federal government, as stipulated in theexecutive regulations of the Human Resources Law in the federal government, andwas actually applied in ministries and federal entities to newly recruitedemployees, and it should include employees who are on duty by the secondquarter of 2025.
The part-time work pattern is one ofthe four employment patterns adopted in the federal government, which are: full-timework, part-time work, temporary work, and flexible work. This comes in linewith the rapid changes occurring in the work environment, and embraces new andfuture trends in government work, which prompted many institutions around theworld to adopt new and flexible work systems.
There is no doubt that implementingthe part-time work pattern reflects the flexibility provided by human resourceslegislation, and enhances the UAE strategy in regulating future workrequirements, attracting and retaining skilled and competent employees, andenhancing the efficiency of the human resources system at the UAE government.
The new guideline will enhance theproactive approach and support the future strategies of the UAE and theobjectives of the “We the UAE 2031” vision, which focuses on buildingthe most pioneering and advanced system by enhancing government performance,developing the best flexible work models that contribute to achieving the bestresults, and building the best model for managing human resources andgovernment competencies.
FAHR sought through the guideline toenhance the part-time experience, clarify the regulations and details relatedto how to apply this model in the federal government, organize the proceduresand mechanisms for calculating wages, leaves, promotions and other benefits foremployees working under this model. It also provides ministries and federalentities with mechanisms for appointing employees accordingly, following therules stipulated in the executive regulations of the Human Resources Law.
Amna Al Mandoos
Director of the Policies and LegalAffairs Department
Federal Authority for GovernmentHuman Resources
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