Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Document in Federal Government

The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Document in Federal Government sets out the ethical standards that employees must adhere to; To maintain public trust, enhance integrity, prevent conflicts of interest, and protect the reputation of the UAE government. The policy also emphasizes the shared responsibility to promote a culture of ethics and integrity, through cooperation between managers and employees.

The Authority is conducting a comprehensive and continuous review of the document, as well as the rest of the human resources policies, legislation and laws approved in the federal government, in a way that contributes to consolidating the UAE’s global leadership in various fields and enhancing the governmental efficiency of its federal institutions.

Principles of the Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics of the General Function

  • Confidentiality
  • Compliance
  • Integrity
  • Diversity and Inclusivity
  • Justice and Equality
  • Conflict of Interests and Disclosure
  • Adherence to Ethics of Using Social Media Platforms
  • Optimal Utilization of Government Resources
  • Gifts and Bribes

Obligations of the Government Entity and the Employee in applying the document

Federal Entities

  1. 1. Consolidate institutional values and create a supportive work environment for employees.
  2. 2. Raise awareness of the culture and principles of the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Document and supervise the implementation and dissemination of this Document among employees, as deemed appropriate by the relevant entity.
  3. 3. Inform all the entity’s employees of the Document content and ensure their adherence through electronically signing it.
  4. 4. Provide secure channels for reporting conduct that breaches the Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics of the General Function.
  5. 5. Conduct an investigation of the reported cases while providing privacy and protection for the reporting employees.
  6. 6. Impose penalties if an employee is proven to have breached the Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics of the General Function principles mentioned in the Human Resources Law and its regulations as well as relevant laws and legislations.


  1. 1. Read and adhere to the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Document principles.
  2. 2. Inform their direct supervisor or the federal entity’s HR Department of any Code violations mentioned in the pledge as soon as they occur or whenever they know of its occurrence.
  3. 3. Cooperate when held accountable in accordance with the Federal Government’s approved official procedures and channels, relevant laws, and legislations.
Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics of the General Function in the Federal Government Document
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