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Human Resources Law

Decree by Federal Law No. (49) of 2022 regarding the human resources in the federal government.

Federal Entity

The departments, institutions and offices affiliated to the federal government that are subject to the provisions of this regulation.


Federal Authority for Government Human Resources.


President of the Federal Entity or the chairman of the Federal Entity as the case may be.

General Manager

General manager of the Federal Entity or his like.

Appointment Authority

The authority entrusted with the powers of appointment in the Federal Entity according to the provisions of this regulation.

Employment offer

Initial approval on the appointment by the work authority.


Each person occupies any of the jobs mentioned in the budget of the Federal Entity, where he works.

Line official

The line official, to whom the employee affiliates.

Jobs budget

Budget approved for the jobs and ranks determined for the employees and their privileges.

Top jobs

Jobs determined based upon the powers and responsibilities issued by the council.

Basic salary

The starting salary determined for the job rank according to the table of ranks and salaries approved by the Federal Entity and the increases that may occur thereto.

Total salary

The basic salary plus the increments and allowances received by the employee.

Human Resources Department

The administrative unit concerned with the human resources in the Federal Entity.


The Gregorian year.


Time unit of thirty days.

Working day

Official working day approved by the Federal Entity.

Medical committee

Committee formed by virtue of resolution issued by the Ministry of Health and entrusted with the competences stipulated therein.

Official medical authority

Hospitals, government health centers affiliated to the Ministry of Health, Local Health Authorities, and Health Institutions affiliated to the Federal or Local Authority competent with approving the medical reports issued by the private health institutions.

Organizational unit

The administrative unit mentioned in the organizational structure of the Federal Entity.

Top jobs

Jobs determined based upon the powers and responsibilities issued by the council.

Defining the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Civil Service

The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Civil service is defined as public servants performing their duties faithfully, objectively and with integrity, and who work constantly to achieve the objectives of the entity they work for. It also means that they should perform their duties within the limits of the powers granted to them, and to do so in good faith, without any ill-intent, negligence, violation of any laws, or harming public interest to achieve any personal interests for themselves or others.

Senior management

The Director General of a Government entity and their direct reports.

Training needs analysis

Identification and assessment of a target group to determine how knowledge, skill and competency gaps can be addressed through specific learning and development initiatives.

Organisational learning and development plan

Calendar of specific learning and development activities which are planned to occur over the upcoming quarter/year.

Individual development plan

A plan of action for each individual employee outlining how they will meet their specific development objectives based on any gaps in knowledge, skill and competencies identified during the performance management cycle.

Internal trainer

Employees who have been identified within an organisation or the Government as having the required skills or abilities to facilitate a specific training program on behalf of the entity.

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