“Jahiz” Platform is launched in Ajman Government to empower employees with future skills

23 July 2024

Under a memorandum of understanding between both the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAHR) and Department of Human Resources for Ajman Government, the “Jahiz” platform was launched for the future of government talents in Ajman Government, aiming to empower the UAE government employees with future skills presented through the platform.

“Jahiz” Platform is launched in Ajman Government to empower employees with future skills
“Jahiz” Platform is launched in Ajman Government to empower employees with future skills
“Jahiz” Platform is launched in Ajman Government to empower employees with future skills

This came during an introductory session organized by the Department in cooperation with FAHR, on the occasion of
launching “Jahiz” digital platform for Ajman Government’s employees, in presence of Her Excellency Laila Obaid Al
Suwaidi, Director General of FAHR, and His Excellency Rashed Abdulrahman Sultan Bin Jebran Al Suwaidi, Director
General of the Department, as well as a number of directors of departments and employees from Ajman Government.

Laila Al Suwaidi: “Jahiz” is a transformational national initiative enhancing the readiness of our human
cadres for the future

In her speech, H.E Laila Obaid Al Suwaidi, Director General of FAHR, thanked Ajman Government, represented in the
Department of Human Resources, for its interest in developing human capital and its keenness to transfer knowledge
to government employees and enhance their readiness for the future through the “Jahiz” platform, one of FAHR’s
transformational initiatives.

The UAE government, Laila Al Suwaidi confirmed, launched “Jahiz” initiative in late 2022 as one of the
transformational national projects, in line with the directions of the UAE wise leadership, led by His Highness
Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, “may God protect him,” who directed towards adopting
“continuous learning and acquisition of new skills, especially the skills of the future, which open new horizons of
progress for the UAE,” and his brother, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Vice President,
Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, “may God protect him,” who considered Jahiz initiative as a
comprehensive national development project that enhances readiness of the government and its cadres for the future,
stressing that “investing in our cadres is the best and most profitable investment in our future”.

Rashed Al Suwaidi: Development of human resources is the cornerstone for promoting the sustainable
development process

His Excellency Rashed Abdulrahman Sultan Bin Jebran Al Suwaidi stressed that launching the platform comes as part of
the integration of roles and strategic partnership between local governments and the federal government, which aims
to develop human resources as the cornerstone in achieving and reflecting the country’s aspirations, promoting the
process of sustainable development, and consolidating orientation of the UAE government towards looking into the
future and providing proactive services that meet the needs of employees.

The Department of Human Resources, he pointed out, seeks to achieve “Ajman 2030 vision” by transformation into a
leading agile, innovative, efficient, ready-for-future government by enhancing the skills and capabilities of human
cadres, preparing national cadres and developing their skills and capabilities, and harnessing advanced technologies
and innovative solutions to anticipate the future and its new trends, and keep pace with global changes and
developments, aiming to improve the level of government performance and build distinguished and proficient human
capabilities in Ajman Government.

Mr. Rashed Al Suwaidi stressed that through this strategic partnership with the Federal Authority for Government
Human Resources (FAHR) via “Jahiz” platform, Ajman government is keen to develop the skills of the human workforce
of the government, and enrich them with the latest qualification programs to keep pace with global developments in
all fields, harness modern technologies and innovative solutions, and work to ensure that there are future-ready
workforce enjoying the skills and capabilities necessary to thrive and keep pace with global developments.

Mr. Al Suwaidi appreciated FAHR’s continuous efforts that aim to strengthen the federal government’s strategy in
order to develop human resources, stressing the joint role in developing and empowering government human resources,
enhancing their capabilities, and qualifying them to keep pace with the accelerating global changes, anticipating
future opportunities, and contributing to designing and creating a better future for UAE.

Memorandum of Understanding

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed between FAHR and the Department with the objective of developing the
strategic partnership between the two sides, in order to enhance the readiness of government employees for the
future. When signing it, FAHR was represented by its Director General, Her Excellency Laila Al Suwaidi, while the
Department was represented by its Director General, His Excellency Rashed Al Suwaidi.


“Jahiz” initiative and its digital platform are a proactive step that responds to the challenges and opportunities of
the future and aligns with the strategic objectives of the “We the UAE 2031” Vision, which is keen to invest in
people and give them skills that enhance their readiness for the future. This is because the World Economic Forum
expects that 44% of skills will change radically in the next five years; the need to develop and enhance new
employee skills will increase by 50%; and lifelong learning, artificial intelligence, and big data skills will be
among the most important skills required by 2027.

“Jahiz” initiative has focused on four main future skills: (The New Economy; 10x; Data and Artificial Intelligence;
and Digital Skills). Through this initiative, UAE government employees completed one million educational hours on
future skills during the year 2023, which laid a strong foundation for the future of the initiative and its
expansion and development plans.

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