Kazakhstani Delegation briefed by FAHR on the Human Capital Development Practices

09 July 2024

The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAHR) briefed a leadership delegation from the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the most prominent practices of the UAE government in the field of capital growth and development in the federal government and the initiatives that enhance the capabilities of government talents and empower them with future skills.

Kazakhstani Delegation briefed by FAHR on the Human Capital Development Practices

The visit of delegation came as part of the Executive Leadership Program of the Government of Kazakhstan, which is presented by the Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government (MBRSG), in partnership with the Government Knowledge Exchange Office. It includes field visits to government departments to view the most prominent practical experiences and leading global applications in government administration and human capital development and growth.

The meeting was held at the headquarters of the Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government – Dubai. The delegation was received by Her Excellency Laila Obaid Al Suwaidi, Director General of the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources, Meitha Kolthoum, Director of the Strategy and Future Department, and Yousef Saleh, Senior Director of Evaluation and Development at MBRSG.

At the beginning of the meeting, H.E. Laila Al Suwaidi welcomed the delegation and stressed the deep UAE – Kazakhstani fraternal relationships. H.E. Laila Al Suwaidi also stressed the UAE’s keenness on transferring the knowledge to the government and public institutions in the whole region and the world for informing them about the best practices and experiences applied locally in the field of improvement, restructuring and development of employees’ skills.

H.E. Laila Al Suwaidi also reviewed the most prominent practices of the federal government in the field of human resources development, including regulations, policies, legislation and initiatives, which will improve the level of the human resources system and make the government work environment more productive and more attractive for talents.

She further touched upon (the capacity building journey in the federal government, the pioneering practices for developing and empowering government talents with future skills, and the flexible and proactive federal human resources policies and regulations), stressing that the United Arab Emirates is a leading model in government leadership, efficiency, productivity, motivation and career well-being.

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